El Capitan is on a merkin spree with Microsoft paint on his new series called "GnArt". The Big Capt. has taken photos from the homies and added his signature GnArtwork to them creating visual epicness. Enjoy and be ready for some more coming soon!!! #SGKOE!
Ron Parker- Front Board Pop Out Shred Vision (photo:Ethan Messina)
Connor Champion- Gap Back 5-0 Monster Chomp (photo: Ethan Messina)
Big Justin - Middle School Mobbin (photo: some creeper company)
Big Justin - KingTweestLife (photo: somebody who was wasted)
Thee Black Mamba - Trilla Vision (photo: Unknown SGK representative)
Cortney Rice - Killah Love (photo: Brandon Reider)
Fatia Johnson - Shred Gnar Stare (photo: Theo Mercado)